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Can Magnesium Be Taken for Better Sleep?

Can Magnesium Be Taken for Better Sleep?

Magnesium is one of the essential minerals our bodies need to stay healthy. It's a part of energy production, muscle function, and even your sleep cycle.

In this article, we'll explore the science behind magnesium and sleep and how to use it to sleep better. So if you're on a mission to catch better quality zzzs — keep reading.

What Is Magnesium, and Why Is It Important? 

Magnesium is one of the essential minerals our body needs for hundreds of biochemical processes. It can help with muscle relaxation, nerve function, and energy metabolism. All of these functions are important for a good night's sleep, and a magnesium deficiency can make it harder for our body to wind down and relax before bed.

Studies have shown that magnesium can help support your body's circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality. Magnesium can also help you relax, which can make it easier to fall asleep.

It’s important to note that while the effects of magnesium can help address poor sleep and support overall health, some forms of magnesium can also have laxative side effects.

Magnesium and Stress

Stress is one of the main enemies of a good night's sleep. The benefits of magnesium can include reduced feelings of stress and greater feelings of relaxation, which can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep longer. 

One way magnesium does this is by promoting healthy levels of cortisol, a hormone involved in the body's stress response. Magnesium can also support the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that helps slow brain activity. As a result, magnesium may help ease the central nervous system.

Magnesium and Sleep Quality

Increasing your magnesium intake can support both the quality and duration of sleep. Magnesium can help support proper melatonin production, which is a neurotransmitter that is essential for the body's sleep-wake cycle. By taking magnesium at night, we can help our bodies relax and get ready for a good night's sleep.

Plus, magnesium can also help promote healthy blood sugar levels. With less glucose in the bloodstream, you may find it much easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

How Can You Get Enough Magnesium? 

The easiest way to ensure you get enough magnesium is to take magnesium supplements. There are many different kinds of magnesium supplements available on the market; however, some forms of magnesium are considered more bioavailable than others. This means that the body may be able to access the nutrients in some supplements better than others.

The different types of magnesium supplements include:

  • Magnesium citrate
  • Magnesium glycinate
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Magnesium oxide

If you choose to take dietary supplements, make sure you also include some calcium supplements. Calcium can help your body absorb magnesium, while magnesium helps carry calcium and potassium into your cells for hydration.

Another way to address low magnesium levels is by eating magnesium-rich foods.

These can include:

  • Leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale.
  • Fruits such as bananas and avocados.
  • Nuts such as almonds and walnuts.
  • Legumes such as black beans and lentils.
  • Seeds such as pumpkin and sunflower.
  • Fish such as halibut and salmon.
  • Whole grains such as whole wheat and oats.

Eating foods with higher concentrations of magnesium can be especially helpful when trying to increase your intake naturally. Additionally, Epsom salt baths can help relax muscles while increasing skin absorption of minerals like magnesium. 

Many Americans don’t get enough magnesium from their diet alone, which is why it’s important to invest in a magnesium supplement. If you think you have low magnesium, visit your primary healthcare provider for a treatment plan.

How Else Can You Support Good Sleep?

Good sleep starts with magnesium. This vital mineral is essential for promoting healthy sleep and relaxation, both of which are incredibly important components of overall wellness. 

In addition to taking magnesium, there are many other things you can do to support good sleep. 

Set a Bedtime

It's important to establish a consistent routine when it comes to sleeping. This means going to bed at the same time each night and getting up at the same time each morning, even on weekends. 

Following a consistent sleep routine can help strengthen your circadian rhythm, which is your body’s natural sleep/wake cycle. The more support you offer for your circadian rhythm, the easier it can be to fall asleep at the right time.

Make Your Room Comfortable

Unclutter your space, keep it cool and dark, and use comfortable bedding you love. A sleep-friendly environment can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

You can also try using an essential oil diffuser to breathe in relaxing scents as you try to fall asleep. Even if they aren’t as effective for you, associating sleep with a certain smell can help you fall asleep faster when you use your oils.

Develop a Sleep Routine

Try reading a book, taking a warm bath, doing a few gentle stretches, or meditating. These activities can help to relax your body and prepare it for sleep.

Plus, the more you practice your routine, the more your body might associate it with sleep. Before long, you may notice that you get tired before you even get in the bath.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can help promote better sleep by helping you release energy before bedtime. It can also help raise your core body temperature, which can trigger sleepiness as it lowers back down.

Because of this, it’s important to time your workouts right. If you finish an intense workout right before bed, it might be a little while before you’re ready to go back to sleep.

Limit Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that can interfere with having a good night's sleep. Even if you drink it in the afternoon, it can prevent you from sleeping soundly.

Caffeine can take several hours to clear your system after you consume it. Because of this, try to avoid drinking caffeinated beverages late in the day or evening.

Avoid Electronics

The blue light from electronic devices like cell phones can interfere with your natural circadian rhythm, affecting your sleep at night. Turn off all screens at least an hour before bedtime so that your brain can start relaxing and preparing for sleep in peace. 

Try Sleep Supplements

If you can’t sleep, try Sleeping Beauty — this dreamy supplement combines melatonin, magnesium, and valerian root to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.* Simply take one or two capsules before bedtime, throw on your Love Wellness Sleep Mask and enjoy a restful snooze. 

Pro Tip: Pair Sleeping Beauty with Big Brain Probiotics™ to help maintain a healthy mood and sense of calm.* 

Eat Dinner Early

Eating dinner too late can lead to indigestion and acid reflux, which can make falling asleep difficult. Leaving more time between dinner and bedtime helps to ensure that digestion has finished before you lay down for the night.

Take Some Probiotics

Probiotics can help balance the gut microbiome and support healthy brain chemistry, which has a direct impact on your sleep quality. Look for a probiotic supplement that includes Bacillus coagulans, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Bifidobacterium bifidum.

Pro Tip: For total body wellness and support, we recommend our Probiotics Kit. This gut-loving kit works to maintain a balanced vaginal pH, a calm digestive system, and clear skin.* Take daily for best results. 

Distract Yourself

If you find yourself wide awake in the middle of the night, don't lay there staring at the clock. This can only make you more anxious and alert, making it even harder to go back to sleep. Instead, get up and do something calming, like writing in a journal or reading a book, until you feel ready for bed again.

While these tips can help, if you have a sleep disorder or a condition that makes it hard to sleep, like restless leg syndrome, it’s important to see your doctor. 

The Bottom Line

Magnesium is an essential mineral that can not only help regulate several bodily functions but also plays an important role in promoting healthy sleep cycles. Through its ability to relax both muscles and nerves, promote healthy cortisol levels, and support melatonin levels, magnesium can be a great natural alternative to support overall sleep quality.

Eating foods rich in magnesium and taking supplements like Sleeping Beauty where necessary are great ways of ensuring optimal levels of this vital nutrient. For more health tips, meet us over on the Love Wellness blog.


Magnesium: Biochemistry, Nutrition, Detection, and Social Impact of Diseases Linked to Its Deficiency | PMC

Using Magnesium for Better Sleep | Sleep Foundation

Magnesium vs Melatonin for Sleep Aid - Which One Is Better? | Sleep Advisor

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