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Is 6 Hours of Sleep Enough for the Body?

Is 6 Hours of Sleep Enough for the Body?

Oh, sleep — how we love you so. But when it comes to getting enough of it, we tend to try to cut corners. Maybe it's because we're juggling too many things at once, forcing sleep to the wayside. Or perhaps there's a medical reason like insomnia preventing those sweet, sweet, Zzzs. 

Whatever the case may be, the truth of the matter is that sleep is important to maintain good health — but how much of it is enough? Four hours? Six hours?

Let's find out. 

How Much Sleep Should You Get?

According to most experts, the average adult should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night. This recommendation only increases amongst teens, kiddos, and toddlers. 

Yet, despite this sound advice, more than a third of Americans aren't getting enough restorative sleep on a daily basis. As a result, people these days are sleepier than ever, with a mere 16 percent saying they don't feel tired at all in a typical week.

So, Is 6 Hours of Sleep Really Enough?

In short, no, not exactly. 

Granted, you can certainly survive on six hours of sleep, but that wouldn't be good for your health in the long term. Getting less shut-eye can greatly increase your risk of sleep deprivation and sleep disorders.

Research shows that consistently getting fewer than seven hours of sleep can contribute to negative health outcomes such as issues with blood sugar and blood pressure, mental health disruptions, and an increased risk for certain chronic conditions. 

How Can I Get Better Sleep?

Now that you're up to speed on the importance of good quality shut-eye, let's go over a few ways to help you catch better Zzzs, shall we? Although there are many, here are some of our favorite tips when it comes to getting enough sleep:

1. Be Mindful of Blue Light Before Bed

Did you know that the soft blue glow from your smartphone or tablet could be wreaking havoc on your sleep? Yup, it's true. Blue light — which electronics emit in large amounts — can suppress the secretion of melatonin (aka the "sleepy hormone") making it extremely difficult to drift off to dreamland and stay there. 

To prevent blue light from throwing a monkey wrench on your ability to snooze, consider the following: 

  • Wear blue light-blocking glasses.
  • Cut back on screen time starting two hours before bed.
  • Dim the brightness on your devices or go "dark mode."
  • Install blue light-filtering apps

Pro Tip: Can't seem to get away from blue light? Wear the Love Wellness Sleep Mask. It's chic, comfy, and designed to be worn nightly. Plus, it blocks out disruptive light and promotes relaxation.* What's not to love?

2. Nix the Cat Naps

There's nothing we love more than a midday cat nap to feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but while short power naps are proven to be beneficial — long or irregular naps can negatively affect your sleep. 

If you're feeling sleepy in the afternoon, a quick 15 to 20 minute snooze can rescue you, just be sure not to slumber any longer than that and no later than 3pm to prevent it from disrupting your nighttime sleep.

Pro Tip: Feeling sluggish but don't want to nap the afternoon away? Give your metabolism a boost with Metabolove — a daily supplement that boosts energy while keeping unwanted cravings at bay.*

3. Get Your Stress in Check

Overwhelmed? Can't seem to get your mind to settle? Dealing with racing thoughts? Trust us — we've been there. In fact, many people have, as stress is one of the biggest culprits behind poor sleep. 

Fortunately, resolving your worries or concerns before it's time to hit the hay can usually do the trick to keep those cortisol levels in check. Of course, this is often easier said than done, but with a few stress management techniques, you'll find the sleep that you're after in no time. Here are some ideas:

  • Try a guided meditation
  • Do some deep breathing
  • Take a relaxing bath
  • Listen to ASMR
  • Read a book
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Journal

You could also try incorporating a good probiotic like Big Brain Probiotics into your daily routine. Studies have found that these beneficial bacteria have a certain role in alleviating negative emotions, supporting cognitive function, and relieving psychological stress. 

4. Work out Wisely

Research suggests exercise helps you sleep better — but do it too close to bedtime and the opposite is true. A post-sweat sesh burst of energy can prevent you from closing your eyelids, leaving you to toss and turn through the night.

Aim to finish any strenuous exercise three to four hours before heading to bed.

5. Eat Right at Night

Late-night munchies are indisputably divine, but heavy foods and big meals can overload your digestive system, which *spoiler alert* affects how well you snooze. 

Need a snack before it's time to hit the hay? Nosh on a few tart cherries — they contain the sleepy hormone melatonin, meaning eating them will increase the levels in your body, which just might help you get to sleep a little easier.

Pro Tip: Dealing with the consequences of greasy food and now struggling to sleep? Say "see ya never" to tummy discomfort with Bye Bye Bloat — digestive enzymes and herbs to promote healthy digestion, ease hormonal or food-related discomfort, and reduce belly bloat. 


So, is six hours of shut-eye enough for the body?

Not exactly. While six hours is better than four hours — or no hours — studies suggest seven to nine hours of deep, restful shut-eye is best. 

Without enough sleep, you increase your risk of sleep deprivation, which can manifest into a bunch of not-so-wonderful symptoms like brain fog, irritability and impaired judgment. Insufficient sleep can also lead to puffy eyes, dry skin, wrinkles, droopy eyelids, and dark circles. 

To keep your body in tip-top shape, consider the tips we listed above and aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Trust us — your body will thank you later!

Here at Love Wellness, we create natural solutions for natural problems. Whether you're struggling to find sleep or could use some help in the vaginal health department, you can always count on us to have your back. 

Check us out today and sleep like a dream tomorrow. 


How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? | Sleep Foundation

Americans Feel Sleepy 3 Days a Week, With Impacts on Activities, Mood & Acuity | National Sleep Foundation

1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep | CDC Online Newsroom

Blue light has a dark side | Harvard Health

Probiotic supplements for relieving stress in healthy participants | PMC

Power Naps: Benefits and How To Do It | Cleveland Clinic

Exercising for Better Sleep | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Recommended Amount of Sleep for a Healthy Adult: A Joint Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society | NCBI.

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